Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'm Thankful for...

I'm in Oklahoma this week for Thanksgiving. I'm a little sad that I won't be able to spend time with my family, but I'm thankful for such good friends that offer me the chance to spend Thanksgiving with them. Also, I get to see my family in a couple of weeks. So, YAY!

This post contains just a few people/things that I'm grateful for.
I grateful for my cute Grandma that loves Christ with all her heart! I'm grateful that she raised such a loving family and that her love continues to grow for all of us. I'm grateful that her pancakes are the best pancakes and that she works at the temple on a weekly basis. Grannie Annie has a love for the gospel of Christ and she is just a wonderful human.

Having my sister as my best friend is the greatest thing my Heavenly Father could've blessed me with. I'm thankful for her creativity and passion for fashion. I can't even explain the love I have for Mel. I'm thankful I'm stuck with her for eternity.
If Em and I weren't cousins I don't think we would even be friends, but I'm thankful that the Lord blessed me with such an amazing, talented, tiny, best friend/cousin. Thank you, Em, for being one of the nerdiest and boy crazy people I know and thank you for your unconditional love since (basically) birth.
This is probably one of my all time favorite pictures of Mel, Kamiko, and I when we were little. This was back when we were living in Texas. I'm grateful for loving parents who raised the 3 of us to become best friends.
Basically I'm grateful for Sarah. I'm grateful for the friendship we have and how sophomore year we would just take pictures on photobooth and stalk people on facebook.

I'm thankful for Hula. Hula taught me to love my Hawaiian culture and to embrace the uniqueness that is Polynesia. I'm grateful for the friendships I made and the grace that it brought to my life. 10 years is a long time for a talent, but I learned so much about myself, my family, and others.
I'm forever grateful for the temple. Everyday, back at home, I would pass the temple on my way to and from school, the mall, work, and just about anywhere south of American Fork. I love the beauty and the symbolism behind the temple, and I know for a fact that it is the house of the Lord.
I found this picture from two thanksgivings ago and I miss Rod and I love him and I'm thankful that he's my cousins and that we get to swim together during the summers.
People always laugh because I love Disneyland, but honestly, some of the best memories from my childhood are from the Happiest Place on Earth. I'm grateful for this forever family of mine and the love and laughter they bring into my life. 
HAPARI. Two weeks after I turned 16 I got the job at Hapari, a local swimsuit shop. I'm grateful for such an amazing boss that loved me and cared for me like I was her daughter.  And I'm thankful for the friendships I made with my fellow shop girls. I'm also thankful for the work ethic I learned and the 25 swimsuits that I own :)
Another Disneyland appreciation picture because I can't think of a better place.
I don't I can even begin to describe how beautiful Salt Lake City is a Christmas time. I'm grateful to live in such a beautiful area of the world.
I love this world. I personally think that God's favorite colors are blue and green. I'm thankful for a world full of so much beauty and color.
I LOVE FAYETTEVILLE AND IM GRATEFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITY I HAD TO MOVE OUT OF UTAH AND EXPERIENCE SO MANY NEW THINGS. I'm also thankful for the cutest/best friends I have made while living in Futrall Hall and I know I'll be friends with these girls for a long time.
I'm thankful to attend such a beautiful campus.
Yearbook consumed my life in high school and now I still continue to take pictures on a weekly basis. I'm thankful for Cassie and Danielle for being two of my best friends my senior year of high school. I'm thankful for their creativity and fun personalities. Yearbook will forever be the best thing about high school.
thankful for a cute roommate and other cute friends in Fayetteville.
I could go on a on about the love I have for the Book of Mormon.This book is the word of God, along with the Bible. It's truly another testament of Jesus Christ. His work has not stopped on this earth and it never will until He comes again. I'm grateful for the sacrifice that Joseph Smith gave in order to bring to pass Christ's FULL AND COMPLETE gospel on this earth. I'm thankful for the love of Christ in my life. He is my Savior and I'm forever grateful for His everlasting atonement.  
I'm grateful for missionary work. Kamiko is in Chile right now on his 2 year mission and I'll get to see him next year! I know he is doing the Lord's work and he is changing the lives of many. I'm thankful that I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that I obtained my own testimony of the truthfulness of His gospel. All good things witness of Christ.
I'm thankful for such a loving Savior. I can't even begin to explain my gratitude and love for Him. I'm thankful that I have gained my own testimony of Him. Christ is truly my redeemer, my advocate, my savior, and my friend,
I'm thankful for Utah.
I'm thankful for Kurstin, Taryn, Kassidy, Christina, and Lydia
I'm thankful for Desmond
I'm thankful for nights in college where we make pie and have no foil so we use beer cans from the night before and I don't think you can get more American than this picture.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Be grateful to live in such a beautiful world and 
be grateful for the life you are living.


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