Thursday, September 22, 2016

Room + Life Update

Basically ever since I moved home I've sucked at blogging and I decided that I need to do a better job at updating my life via the internet because this blog is like my journal! I've been looking back on past posts and I've felt so nostalgic and I've been wanting to bring that sense of documentation back in my life! So, here's the start of re-life-documentation! 
About a month ago my mom and I decided to remodel/redecorate our downstairs bathroom. First off, HOBBY LOBBY HAS THE CUTEST CABINET KNOBS AND THEY'RE USUALLY 50% OFF!!!!!!!!! I got the cutest ceramic floral ones. I didn't put a picture of them on this post because I couldn't get the whole bathroom in it's new-ness so I'll have to get pictures later. Anyways, I also re-did my collage above my bed and I LOVE how it looks. The hexagon shelf with the little succulent in it is definitely my favorite piece. I can't get over it!!!!!!!!
I love the whole all-white trend going on right now, but I don't LOVE all-white everything! Pairing textures with subtle prints I think is really nice though. Making it all cohesive but not WHIIIITTTEEE!
Another note: I made that hanging woven art piece and I wish I hadn't done that camel/brownish color but it's cute, and the first try with a new hobby is not always perfect so I have another one I'm working on! 


1. I tried going to the singles ward...and I hated it (again). So, now I'm back in my home ward (again) until I move out (don't know where yet) in December/January-ish!

2. I've made the executive decision that I don't want to be married until I'm 30-35-ish! I'm not opposed to that major life step happening before that time, but I really want to get my Master's degree and maybe my PhD! #Education #BossLady #WomenEmpowerment

3. I'm been suuuuuupppeeerrrrr jamming to all my old junior high school music! Like, please go listen to Disturbia - Rihanna, 7 Things - Miley Cyrus, Waking Up in Vegas - Katy Perry, Sk8r Boi - Avril Levigne, Your New Girlfriend - Hayden Panettiere, and Tic Toc - Ke$ha, because I literally cannot think of any other music that defines my 12-15 year old self. Srsly!!!!!!

4. The Mindy Project!!!!!!!!!! Okay, if you have Hulu and haven't watched this series why are you even watching anything else?!?!?!?! Mindy Kaling is so funny. 

5. I'm having M A J O R Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise/America's Got Talent withdrawals!!!!!!!!!! What reality TV is worth watching?!?!?!?!?! Maybe I'll just stick to the Mindy Project until Bach starts again in January.

6. BYU is KILLING ME with how long I have to wait to find out I got accepted. I find out at the end of October so send some good vibes/prayers my way because IDEK what I'm going to do if I don't get in?????????

7. Provo ppl: GO TO ROCKWELL CREAMERY!!!!!!!!!! I've never had better ice cream and the shop is so cute. I love it. 

8. Whenever Arkansas has a football game I have yet to fail wearing Razorback/Fayetteville/Hog gear for every game day.

9. Reading more Adult fiction rather than Young Adult fiction! TBH I think reading adult fiction + my obsession with the Mindy Project has influenced my desire/love of creating a completely independent life before I get married. (NOT DISSING MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

10. Now that I'm at my house literally by myself ALL THE TIME I need to figure out more hobbies to be involved in. Sewing? Knitting? Weaving??? Baking??? Cooking??? Going to Target?????? Other things???????? I need more ideas. MOSTLY I NEED TO BE BETTER AT BLOGGING AND DOING BLOG-WORTHY THINGS!

Lol anyways. More life updates are going to happen. 

It's also my favorite time of the year right now and the mountains are looking SOOOOOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! 

Okay. I think that's it. 



1 comment:

  1. Allie, your blog is fantastic. You have a talent for writing! Made me chuckle several times. Love you!
