Monday, September 28, 2015

The Reason I Came to Arkansas, and the Reason I'm Not Staying

If you knew me in high school, you probably remember how excited I was to move to Arkansas. My Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook were filled with everything Arkansas. It seemed like a dream to move away from my parents and experience a new life in a new state with a new school, new friends, and new opportunities. I have to admit that I've been completely blessed beyond measure by my Father in Heaven throughout the trials, friends, professors, and overall experience I have had while living in Fayetteville.

My entire freshman year was everything I could've ever asked for. I got to experience a new culture rooted in mac and cheese, the bible, alcohol, and Greek life. I was driven to do my school work and completed my freshman year with an acceptance letter to the Honors College starting Fall 2015.

I went home for the summer. I worked, shopped, spent time with friends and family, and couldn't wait to get back to Fayetteville. Mid-August my mom and I drove back to my beautiful college town and I couldn't wait for classes to start.

My semester started off great. I loved all my professors and classes.

It wasn't until these past few weeks that I've been uneasy about the thought about continuing my education here at the University of Arkansas. Looking 5 years into the future, I see myself back in Utah teaching school. I knew I didn't want to stay in Arkansas forever. Reality hit me like a ton of bricks. What's the point of continuing my education in a state where I can't see my future? I began the most intense decision making process of my entire life... Do I stay in Arkansas, finish school, get certified to become a teacher, move back to Utah and become certified again to teach, or move back to Utah now and transfer my credits because that's where I ultimately want to be?

Of coarse I went to my Heavenly Father in prayer about this situation I was in. 

Fasting, prayers, and scripture study (and naps (obviously)) began to fill up my days.

This past Saturday my mom called me asking if I had thought about withdrawing completely and coming home. This seemed like a prayer answered. It was no coincidence that Saturday night was the LDS Women's Conference, I watched in anticipation and with the hope that there might be a clear decision that should be made.

My heart and mind were open and the answer was made clear as I listened to the talks by the women of the church. I can honestly testify that our Heavenly Father knows exactly how to answer our questions in perfect timing. 

So, everyone, after much thought, many prayers, and a lot of tears, I made the hardest decision of my entire life. As of 10:37 this morning, I have withdrawn from the University of Arkansas and will be returning home at the end of October to continue my education in Utah.

The University of Arkansas, Razorback Football, Futrall Hall, Fayetteville, the Ozarks, Little Bread Company, Saturday visits to the Farmer's Market, Devil's Den, and so many other places Arkansas/Fayetteville related will FOREVER and ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. The memories and friends I have made in this beautiful town have turned me into the person I am today.

I came to Arkansas to grow as a person, have new experiences, be submerged into a completely different culture, and completely rely on my Savior and Father in Heaven through every experience whether good or bad. There are a million lessons I've learned while living in Fayetteville, but the one that sticks out to me the most is that God knows exactly where we're supposed to be at exactly the right time. . . and for one year, I was supposed to be in Fayetteville.

And now it's time to go home.


  1. You go girl! You'll be successful wherever you are. Great blog post.

  2. This is just beautifully written and expressed. Thank you for sharing your experience with others and for your courage, faith and conviction. The Lord is mindful of his children. All of them.

  3. Will be praying for you in the next step of your journey, Allie. Good luck with everything and God bless!
