Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A New Semester

I'M BACK IN THE GROOVE OF SCHOOL AND I'M MOSTLY HAPPY BECAUSE I ENDED UP WITH A 3.8 LAST SEMESTER AND I'M FINALLY FIGURING THIS WHOLE COLLEGE THING OUT!!!!! So, like, 7 girls moved out of my side of the hall and I don't have a roommate anymore so I turned the extra bed into a couch and I put my spring clothes in the other wardrobe. My classes this semester are going to be so hard (actually only Chemistry (celebratory pictures taken above because Taryn and I finished our Chem homework in a reasonable amount of time)). The sunset is from tonight! The picture doesn't even do it justice because I WAS JUST IN AWE OF HOW AMAZING GOD IS!!! I'm so thankful that He blessed us with the beauty of sunsets.

Fun/cool/delicious things/foods that have happened lately:
1. Kass moved into an apartment off campus and we made dinner there tonight
2. Pretzels in Nutella
3. My English professor that is literally sent from heaven
4. 65 degree weather
5. Wearing Chacos in 65 degree weather
6. Drunk friends who just make me laugh because they say funny things
7. Sonic grilled cheeses
8. Doing yoga poses in Kassidy's apartment
9. Climbing a wall for Steele and getting my jeans all dirty
10. The Hill Grill's flatbread vegetarian pizzas
11. Having class in Old Main
13. Laughing at how people (from the south) say pajamas and oil and soda
14. A Family sized box of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
15. Having the BEST RAs who made the CUTEST new garlands for our doors.
16. Going to Oklahoma for the weekend and getting to eat delicious cherry pie and meat loaf
17. Pop's in Oklahoma that has Ranch dressing soda and a whole selection of rootbeer (forever favorite)

I hope i have more (better) things to write about next post and better pictures too. lol


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