Monday, April 21, 2014

A Testimony: Steadfast & Immovable

 I don't think words can even begin to describe the immense love I have for my savior, Jesus Christ.

Church, yesterday, was absolutely and completely inspiring. Sister Redd, a woman who recently got called as a young women advisor, spoke about the atonement. She reminded me of an experience we had in a combined lesson a couple weeks ago. Sister Rose, one of the most incredible women in the entire universe, asked each of us girls to go up on the board and write words that described the atonement....


These words struck my heart. Christ atoned for the sins of the world. He knows exactly what we're going through. He went through OUR SINS. He felt OUR STRUGGLES. He knows what each and every one of us is going through, and through the power of his everlasting atonement we can be saved.

How beautiful is that?

I wish the world would realize how beautiful and true the LDS church is.

My testimony is simple, but bold.

I know that Christ lives. He died for me. He atoned for my sins. He is constantly my friend and advocate. Through his saving grace and mercy I can return to my Heavenly Father again and receive Celestial glory.

The gospel of Christ is "great and marvelous."
"I can do ALL THINGS through Christ."

I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. I believe the Bible to be the word of God. Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still speaks through prophets.

I believe Thomas S. Monson to be the prophet, seer, and revelator in these latter days. I believe Joseph Smith was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I love the LDS church more than anything. I will proclaim my love of this gospel with compassion and courtesy. I will defend my faith.

The gospel of Christ gives me strength. It gives me hope. It gives me faith. It gives me courage. It gives me joy.

"Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him..."


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