Monday, April 21, 2014

Why Arkansas?!

Believe it or not, since I decided to attend the University of Arkansas, this has been the #1 question people have been asking me.

Well, here's your answer!

Last year, around the end of my Junior year or high school, my mom said to me, "Allie, Did you know Lexie (my cousin) is going to the University of Arkansas? You should apply there!"

I kinda just brushed this whole convo aside. When in actuality, that single statement would bring a whole new perspective to college life for me!

Over the 2013 summer I had the opportunity to attend SOAR, a camp focused on academics and cultural ethnicity sponsored by BYU! While in an interview I was asked, "Where are you thinking about attending college?" My answer came to me by COMPLETE surprise.

I replied, "My top 3 choice are the University of Arkansas (WHAT?!?), BYU, and BYU-Idaho."

"Arkansas? What's there"

"I don't know, it just sounds like a great school. I'd love to go there!"

Keep in mind this is the FIRST time I had EVER even really mentioned the thought of attending school in Arkansas.

I took this conversation as direction from my Heavenly Father. Maybe Arkansas is where I am supposed to be! I began researching the school. It was beautiful. It had a FACS program. It was an adventure.

I applied.

I got accepted.

I prayed.

I fasted.

I prayed some more.

I fasted some more.

On January 10th I was awarded the Silas Hunt scholarship. One, that if I keep up a 3.0 GPA during all 4 years, provides me with $20,000 of financial aid.

ON TOP OF THAT, I was awarded 80% off of out of state tuition. (saving me around $10,000 just my first year.)

Arkansas is where the Lord wants me to be.

This is a picture of my roommate, Crissy Mandujano, and I in Fayetteville this past February. I loved every second of my visit to my future home.

Enjoy following my trials, my triumphs, my adventures, and my education through this blog.


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