Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recent Life Happenings: (More) Farmer's Market, Bookstore of Dickson, No Pants, Messy Room, Taco Tuesday, Craft Night

Ok. Newest college happenings!

1. Farmer's Market. This past weekend was parent's weekend and my cute roommate Cristina and her parents adopted me for a couple days :) We got sushi, went to the farmer's market, tried the BEST fruit pops at the farmer's market, ate at a local Italian restaurant that had the YUMMIEST pesto veggie pizza (yum)-THESE STUPID BOYS ATE ALL OF OUR PIZZA THAT WAS LEFTOVER, I'm still mad about it. We won our football game and the girls in my dorm still continue to be my favorite especially when they're drunk and make no sense. I love them all.

2. THE BOOKSTORE ON DICKSON IS MY FAVORITE EVER AND THEY HAVE SO MANY LEATHER BOUND BOOKS IT'S INCREDIBLE. Each room is separated into different subjects. I love it so much.

3. Ok, so I didn't wear pants around campus one night. BACKSTORY: every girl here wears HUGE t-shirts and you can never tell if they're wearing pants. Cristina and I needed to go to the computer lab and get chocolate f'reals (obviously) I wasn't in the mood to wear pants SO I DIDNT. That's another fave thing of mine about the UofA; I can wear whatever I want and no one gets mad. If I were at BYU there is no chance that I could walk around campus like that. Also, don't worry. My shirt was the length of a short dress and it was funny. I love college.

4. My room has been a mess the past couple days. Thank goodness Tina just laughs at my struggles and takes pictures of it to tweet. I love roommates.

5. EVERY TUESDAY QUDOBA HAS $1 TACOS AND THEY'RE SO YUMMY :) We went tonight and I got 2 chicken tacos with chips, guac, and a drink for $5!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taco Tuesdays are another reason for me to love college and all things related to college.

6. CRAFT NIGHT! My cute RA, Ali, got us little wooden plaques to paint and decorate and all (most) of the girls on the floor came and it was so much fun. I love our little 1st Floor community.

Other funny things: Me, Tina, Kels, and Taryn are creating a new sorority- Alpha Chi Kappa Tau
I had a study sesh with Roman from my history class and we barely studied because we just kept laughing about college things. It was cool. I burp all the time and people think it's hilarious/gross/i don't even care. 

I love Arkansas. I love that The Lord brought me here. I love my classes. I love my friends. I love Taco Tuesday. I love funny drunk people. I love when the Fulbright ice cream machine is finally working. I also love face timing my sister on a daily basis.

Life is still good here in Fayetteville.
