Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall Break ft. Houston/Cypress, TX

 How pretty is this backyard?! Cypress is a pretty place :')
 Pixelated photos kill me. But I love this dog.

Lol because my life hasn't been interesting enough to blog about until this week. THANK GOODNESS FOR FALL BREAK! Basically, fall break means it's the middle of the semester and I finally get a break from college. My roommate, Cristina, her boyfriend, Cameron, and I drove to Cypress, TX on Friday! (Tina and Cam are both from Cypress (obviously))

Here's the fun things that have occurred so far:

1. I GOT TO EAT IN N OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS AND I ABOUT CRIED BECAUSE I'VE MISSED IT SO MUCH! I got to drive through Plano/ Richardson, TX where my family used to live, and my mom told us not to get out of the car in Dallas because EBOLA. Lol, I love her. We got in late Friday night, but we watched Cheetah Girls with Clara and Caroline (Cristina's sisters) and I've forgotten how funny old Disney channel movies are. I remember idolizing the Cheetah Girls. OMG memories.

2. Saturday we cleaned the house because Celeo and Angela (Cristina's dad and step-mom) were having a wine and cheese party that night. Let me tell you, I've never seen so much fancy cheese and  fancy meat before in my life. Also, their house makes me laugh because they have like 2 wine cellars and being mormon and all I've never seen so much wine in my life (other than the occasional walk through a liquor store in California LOL) The party was so cute tho! Tina and I made chalkboard signs for the table, and we got these chalkboard labels to put on people's cups! It was a hit! We also got pizza that night, so that was a plus. OH I ALSO TRIED REAL MACARONS FOR MY FIRST TIME. YUM.

3. Sunday I went to mass with Cristina! Mass is so interesting to me because it's so different from my Sunday service. I like it tho. I've been a few times with her in Fayetteville! After mass we went to this place called Old Town Spring and OH MY GOSH! There was an animal/dog festival going on and there were over 400 dogs there I swear! I think living away from home has taught me a greater love for animals. I love them. So, we got to pet all the dogs and there was this little section where there were rescued pugs up for adoption! Naturally, I petted them all and just laughed and loved them. Pugs are so cute. The one I'm holding in the picture is named Wallace and his tongue like wouldn't go into his mouth. It was always sticking out! After dog mania, we went to this little restaurant and got Texas Fudge Cake (Its like Texas sheet cake, but thicker). It was so good! There was also fried zucchini. It was delish. Sundays are so fun outside of Utah! I love seeing how other people spend their time on Sundays.

4. Sunday night we spent the night at Cristina's mom's house! Her cousin made us the most delicious fried chicken ever!!! I don't think my own mom has ever made fried chicken before...hahaha. We got to spend time over there and I won Apples to Apples so that was a fun time. Tina and I slept with her dog Chloe and I still just love dogs. We watched some documentaries, because I love them. GO WATCH CRIMES OF THE CENTURY. Crazy stuff. I love real life things.

5. Today, Monday, we did some homework, got BBQ for dinner, took a nap, took Clara to ice skating, ate some pomegranate, went grocery shopping, and just relaxed (kind of).

Fall break has been fun. So far I've been to Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri while in college. It's so fun having friends from so many different states! We leave for Fayetteville tomorrow morning.

Those are all the exciting happenings of life.


1 comment:

  1. "cheetah girls chettah sistas!!!"
    so glad someone understands

