Friday, July 25, 2014


The Adcock household has been on a DIY kick lately! And honestly, nothing is better than new fabrics, new headbands, and time spent together. I've been loving the headbands I bought at Forever 21 recently, but every time I go back THE PRINTS ARE THE SAME/UGLY. So, I decided to make my own. Hobby Lobby and Joanns really have the CUTEST fabric and great prices! We also bought wire because I'M LOVING THE WIRE HEADBAND/WRAP TREND RIGHT NOW. THEYRE SO CUTE! Anyways, I spent maybe $6 on fabric for 7 headbands (!!!!!). It's nights (we've been DIYing for almost a week lol) like these that I'm going to miss once in Arkansas. I'm going to miss my mom's sewing machine and I'm going to miss random spurs of creativity that occur in my house.
So, I leave in 18 days and I'm kind of (not really) freaking out about moving! I think The Lord still continues to just give me feelings of peace and safety because He knows I'm going to the right place! These next 18 days are going to consist of marking things off my Utah bucket list. We went to Cafe Rio last night, I got a brownie from Slurp the night before, and I got a gift card to Kneaders (YAY) I REALLY HAVE TO MUCH MORE TO DO. I'm also trying to finish the Book of Mormon one more time before I leave! I can't even explain how much I love this book. READ IT. I'm already in Mosiah and I love Mosiah so it's a good time right now :)

Summer is a good time and I start classes in exactly one month.

Life is good.



  1. cutest pictures!!! your cat lol <33 allie you're amazing and i'm not just saying that! good luck and I know the Lord will always watch over you. you're a beautiful example and this is a beautiful blog! ILL MISS YOU. XO.

    1. THANK YOU ESTHER. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! good luck on school and everything :)
