Sunday, July 5, 2015

America Festivities

 I literally laughed so hard at this picture.^^^^

Fourth of July consisted of my family going to City Creek and doing more shopping than was needed. My mom, Mel, and I LOVE TO SHOP. Keen Bean, not so much. BUT AFTER THAT WE WENT UP TO MY AUNT JENNY'S HOUSE AND WENT SWIMMING!!!!!! It was literally the most perfect weather for the 4th of July. Plus the food was delish and my cute grandma bought an American Flag cake so that was v cute. Kamiko got to write home yesterday. HE COMES HOME IN 134 DAYYYYSSS!!!!! Seriously though, isn't it a little crazy that we Mormon's send our teenagers out for 18-24 months????? Like, for me, it's totally normal but 2 YEARS IS AN INSANE AMOUNT OF TIME!!!! I'm so excited for him to be home. Okay, other 4th of July things. As my mom and I drove home last night there were fireworks going off in every direction. America is so cute.

I love it here.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the special fruit salad you saved for me! Love you!
