Sunday, August 9, 2015


Summer has been so good. It's been filled with lots of phone calls (I hate working at a call center), buying my first car (!!!!!!!!!!!), trips to SLC and Provo (since when did Provo become cute and actually fun(?)), lots and lots and lots of shopping, TACO AMIGO, Bachelorette mondays (those are over but I still live vicariously through Shawn and Kaitlyn's snapchat stories, please hate me because I said that also please hate me because literally I almost ripped their picture off a magazine the other day and framed it. I'm not even kidding), movies, DIY (letters, pillows, my shower curtain, canvases. I've given myself the title of a DIY diva. I'm obsessed), face timing my Arkansas friends because they're the cutest, teaching sunbeams and dealing with tantrums and crying and drawing and snack time, GROWING OUT MY HAIR (a girl in my primary class tells me every week how she wants to eat my hair because it smells so good and that it looks like Rapunzel), apartment shopping, online shopping, all kinds of shopping, really, sleepovers, and spending time with my cutest family. SIDE NOTE! Kamiko comes home in 99 days. I'm so excited.

So, this upcoming Thursday is my last day of work (!!!!!!!!!). On Friday my mom and I are driving back to Arkansas (!!!!!!!!). If you can't tell, I'M SO INSANELY EXCITED TO GET BACK!!!!!! This upcoming semester is literally going to be the best ever. Listen to my class schedule: Child Development, Family Relations, APPAREL PRODUCTION (I'm slightly freaking out about this one because it means I get to sew!!!!!!!), Honors Northern Renaissance Art and Architecture (super excited about this one because I got accepted into the honors college so YAY), and Introduction to Education! This semester is going to be incredible.

Another thing, please send good vibes, and prayers, and ask the packing-for-college Gods to give me motivation to pack up all my things in a very organized fashion. HELP.

I'll see you in 1 week Fayetteville!


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